Wyoming's Bicycle/Pedestrian Program

Since the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has adopted a strategy to integrate bicycling and walking into the nation’s transportation system.

WYDOT intends to integrate consideration of the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists in its planning and project development processes to produce a transportation system with true modal choices. This plan will not propose specific improvement projects to better accommodate bicycling and walking in the Wyoming transportation system. Instead, it provides general principles and guidance for WYDOT to provide for and improve bicycle and pedestrian transportation. This plan also provides guidance for local governments in Wyoming for developing their own bicycle and pedestrian plans and facilities.

The WYDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Program will continue to be a clearinghouse for current planning information and design guidance for non-motorized transportation facilities. The Program staff will be available to assist other WYDOT programs and local communities in facility selection and design.

Questions, comments or information requests should be directed to:

Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator
WYDOT Planning
5300 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyenne, WY 82009-3340
(307) 777-4862


For general information on safe routes to school, please visit WYDOT's Planning Program.

Wyoming Bicycle & Pedestrian System Report of 2018

The Bicycle and Pedestrian System Task Force was created with the passage of Senate Enrolled Act 8 during the 2016 legislative session. The bill was developed by the Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee over the course of the prior year as part of an Interim Study Topic, and passed with strong support in both Senate and House. Governor Matt Mead signed the bill into law, and following an application process, he appointed 13 people representing key areas of expertise from around Wyoming to serve on the Task Force.

The Task Force was charged with developing the Wyoming Bicycle & Pedestrian System Report of 2018 to help the legislature, local communities, and state agencies, including WYDOT and the Departments of Health, Tourism, State Parks, and the Business Council, to better understand the opportunities, benefits, and challenges of bicycle and pedestrian pathways and natural surface trails. This is the first state-level effort of its kind to study these issues in Wyoming and provide recommendations to the legislature and agencies.