IRP Full Reciprocity Plan Q&A

Implementation Dates & Timing

What is the effective date of the FRP?

January 1, 2015.  All carriers whose plates expire on or after 12/31/2015 will be under Full Reciprocity

Reporting of Distance

Are all existing IRP carriers going to e subject to the Average Per Vehicle Distance Chart calculations for all member jurisdictions the first year under Full Reciprocity?

No.  Existing carriers renewing their fleets for the registration year beginning on or after January 1, 2015, will report actual distance accumulated during the distance reporting period.

When should fees be based on the jurisdictional Average Per vehicle Distance Chart?

When a registrant’s fleet is considered new under Section 420 of the Plan, or the fleet did not accumulate any actual distance during the distance reporting period, fees will be calculated using Wyoming’s Average Per Vehicle Distance Chart. 

When is actual distance to be used? 

Under FRP, actual distance MUST be used when the registrant’s fleet accumulated ANY actual distance during the distance reporting period.

For a new fleet, can a combination of actual and Average Per Vehicle Distance be used?

No.  A new fleet has no actual distance.  Under FRP, Wyoming’s Average Per Vehicle Distance Chart must be used to determine fees for ALL IRP jurisdictions.  A combination of actual distance and Average Per Vehicle Distance should never be used under FRP.

What does a carrier pay when all of the actual distance occurred only in Wyoming.  Does the carrier pay 100% of Wyoming fees?

Yes.  Under FRP the registrant MUST report the actual distance accumulated during the distance reporting period and pay the appropriate fees.  The official commentary under the “apportionable vehicle” definition allows a customer 18 months to travel in at least two jurisdictions. 

IRP Cab Card and Weights

Under Full Reciprocity what weight should be displayed on the IRP cab card?

Under FRP, the gross vehicle weight should be displayed on the cab card for every IRP jurisdiction.  The base declared gross weight plus the comparable weight for each member jurisdiction should be reflected.

What weight should be reflected for jurisdictions where there is no actual distance and no fee collected?

Under FRP, the gross vehicle weight should be displayed on the cab card for every IRP jurisdiction.  The base declared gross weight plus comparable weight for every member jurisdiction should be reflected. 

Can new fleet registrants indicate less weight in some jurisdiction?

There is a 10% variance of registered weights rule in the Plan.